The Kurdish Human Rights Action Group (KHRAG) in South Africa and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) invites you to support our campaign:
The Time Has Come: “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan towards a just peace in Turkey”
Our key objective is to promote a just peace in Turkey and the region. President Erdogan's
authoritarian regime has in the last few years pursued an internal and external
policy and aggression. These expansionist policies has negatively affected the Kurds
in Turkey, and has undermined peace efforts in Middle East, North Africa, Caucasus and
The freedom of Abdullah Öcalan as the legitimate representative of the Kurdish people is
essential to pave the way for peace, in Turkey and the region. We know from our own
experience in South Africa that the release of the legitimate and credible leadership is
inevitable and a necessary precondition for any peace process.
International criticism of Turkey, for its ongoing abuse of human rights and its expansionist
policies has increased. We are well aware that the mobilization of all freedom loving people
around the world against the apartheid regime led to the release of Nelson Mandela and the
formation of a democratic state in South Africa. Similarly, we believe that the release of
Abdullah Ocalan could create the conditions for a peaceful resolution of the conflicts within
Turkey and the region.
Our campaign is directed at the UN, of which Turkey is also a member. We believe that a
coordinated international solidarity campaign can create the impetus for the UN to act.
The UN has set a precedent by its call for the release Nelson Mandela, in addition the UN
played a crucial role in-passing the so-called Nelson Mandela Rules, which set the United
Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules).
These precedents set the basis for the treatment of political prisoners, and also confirms that
the release of authentic and credible leaders are crucial in any peace process.
Please click on the link below and sign our letter and send it to the UN Secretary-General United Nations, UN Headquarters, S-3800, New York, NY 10017.
USA: and email a copy to us at
Friends, Urgent: Demand Amnesty probe Öcalan's harsh detention and cruel treatment by Turkey, violating legal norms. Act now for justice!