The Kurdish Human Rights Action Group was established in 1997 and is based in Cape Town. KHRAG promotes the ideal of human rights for the Kurdish people in Turkey and other countries.
In particular, we advocate the idea of a peaceful negotiated settlement to the Kurdish question. We are currently engaged in various campaigns including the campaign for the release of Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan.
The Kurds are one of the largest stateless populations in the world. The Kurdish population is similar to that of Canada and Australia. Kurdish women lead the world in female fighters, accounting for 40 percent of the military. The Kurdish Regional Government has more women than both the United States and the United Kingdom, with 30 percent of seats in the government reserved for women.
Iraq's Kurdish region spends at least 16 percent of its annual budget on education, more than the US and Canada. One in four people living in Iraq's Kurdish region is a refugee or an internally displaced person.
Chairperson: Mr. Mahmoud Patel
Vice Chairperson: TBA
Secretary: Ms. Fazela Mahomed
Treasurer: Mr. Hoosain Adam
Executive Members:
Mr. Believe Chimbaira
Ms. Zelda Ann Hintsa
Dr. Sidney Luckett
Adv. Joey Moses
Ms. Fatima Seedat
Friends, Urgent: Demand Amnesty probe Öcalan's harsh detention and cruel treatment by Turkey, violating legal norms. Act now for justice!